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Database Programming Tools

SQR Developers Kit

Sybase, Inc

SQR*Developer's Kit supplies SQR programmers with valuable add-on toolsto facilitate the development and debugging of sophisticated SQRprocedures. Collectively, the SQR*Developer's Kit provides variable andprocedure call tracing, a cross-reference facility for variables todetermine improper use or variable mistyping, and a detailed display ofthe SQR program structure, formatted in terms of hierarchicaldependencies.SQR*Developer's Kit is comprised of three productivity tools: TRACE,which provides variable and procedure call tracing; X-REF, which providesa cross-reference facility for variables; and HIERARCHY, which displaysthe SQR program structure. Armed with these tools, an SQR programmer cannow debug, maintain, and document SQR procedures -- even those previouslydeveloped by another programmer -- in record time and with minimaleffort.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Sybase, Inc
77 S Bedford St
Burlington, MA 01803
Phone: (617) 564-6100
        (800) 933-0044
Fax: (617) 564-7960